consensus is a research project, made during a residency period at Het Vijfde Seizoen (The Fifth Season). The residency program is in the context of psichatry where art projects deal with the stigma around mental health.

During the residency I worked together with the patients of Altrecht Psychatric Institute in den Dolder. The project 'consensus' is a series of masks and attributes functioning as a communication tool based on the senses.

I was inspired by the hidden nature, the forest where the institute is based and patients live. With these body extensions a mutual deeper communication is possible without the need to speak. By introducing the masks at spontaneous moments, I sought encounters with strangers, interconnections in a state of intimate distance and connection between body and mind. The interactions and improvisations are documented in a series of film fragments.

Film stills and documentation of interactions

The objects, attributes and the film from the project 'Consensus' during the exhibiton

‘See Overleaf’ / Beautiful Distress projectruimte, Amsterdam